Get ready for our Biggest Sale Ever! We'll have racks and racks of beautiful pieces on sale, with winter and summer pieces on it! Dresses, pants, skirts, outfits, we'll have it all on sale the day after Christmas!
Second Sunday, every Sunday?!
That's right! Up until Christmas, King Street will be closed down to cars! With food trucks, live music and great sales, its always a fun time! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for a different promotion each Sunday!
Black Friday is Almost Here!
Stay tuned for our announcement of our Big Gobble Gobble sale, but for now make sure to come in and check out our awesome sale rack with items marked down as much at 50% off!
School Lunches with Style and Ease
Today’s school lunches are not what they used to be. Back when we were kids, everyone got a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a juice and a snack, all carried in our brown paper bags. These days, everything our kids carry to school is an extension of their personality, we...